I’m AISA, your dedicated online sales rep, with perfect car and sales knowledge. Think you can stump me? Click to start the conversation!

The Only AI Capable of Converting Your Shoppers

Zenzio is proud to unveil AISA, the first-ever AI Sales Associate designed to qualify your website shoppers and turn them into sales.

Higher quality leads

Lower cost per lead

Sell where your shoppers are

Sound too good to be true?
Put her skills to the test in our interactive demo →
or click to get a free personalized quote.


It’s time to see what your website’s been missing.

Sound too good to be true?
Click the bubble below to try our interactive demo or scroll down to learn more.

A superhuman sales associate who adapts to every type of buyer

Your website shoppers have questions, concerns, and needs they want met before they buy. Unfortunately, shallow chat solutions add little value to the buyer’s journey.
AISA thinks differently by engaging in real conversations that lead to real deliveries.

Her priorities include:

Answering the shopper’s most pressing questions

Adapting to their tone and interest level

Providing value first before ever asking for contact info

More qualified than any
human salesperson

  • Superhuman knowledge of the inventory, incentives, and industry.
  • Pre-trained on your sales process, policies, and style. 
  • Costs a fraction of the human payroll, with no time off or turnover.
  • On duty 24/7, holidays, and weekends.

It’s simple.

More leads

+ higher intent to buy

= more sales

And we have the sales to prove it

9 months with live chat on AutoTrader

  • Hundreds of VDPs
  • 18 live chat leads
  • 0 deliveries

9 months with AISA

  • 1794 chats
  • 578 leads
  • 97 deliveries
  • 16.78% closing ratio

“The results have been surprising and have exceeded our expectations. Our customers have welcomed the instant responses and engaged in meaningful dialogues. This has led to higher conversion rates and returns, surpassing all of our third-party lead providers.”

– Eric Coffey, President, Fitzgerald Motors

A better way to support and convert your website traffic

Think you can stump the unstumpable AISA?

Give it your best shot. 😎  She’s waiting.

Some things to try:

  • Test her competitive comparison skills.
  • Ask her about incentives.
  • See how she responds to common objections.
  • Ask her for totally ridiculous accommodations.

AISA has a variety of proprietary safeguards against unapproved or off-brand topics, politely guiding the conversation back to what's important.


Ready to hire your next superstar?